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 My storY

How GraceAnna Started


GraceAnna Lifestyle was established in 2020. 

Hi, my name is Kathryn. Welcome to my page. I'd like to take you through how I began this small business. 

I started my health journey in 2017 after a miscarriage. I couldn't wrap my head around what the physician had said to me that day... "Miscarriage is so common, I handle more than 10 a week."  I was in shock. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Two things really bothered me...

1)10 a week?!?... in our small community? My mind was blown! That is just insane to me. I thought to myself "perfectly healthy women miscarrying babies so often cannot be normal". So I started researching...and sure enough,  it's NOT normal. The information I found was beyond overwhelming and it all came back to one main thing: Big Pharma. 

and 2) I never noticed it before, but in that moment I realized I was just another patient. That doctor didn't care about me or what I was going through. Where did the respect and compassion go with client-doctor relationships?! As a kid, our family doctor knew us personally by choice. There was a mutual respect there. This doctor was pushing me out the door so fast because she had a waiting room full of others to get through. It was beyond disheartening.  

From that day forward I vowed to do my own research and learned make natural products, eliminating as much toxicity as possible from my life so that I would no longer be reliant on pharmaceuticals and health care facilities. 

Fast forward, I now have 3 beautiful and healthy children with my husband. Creating homemade, natural, products for my family just made sense. As a mother, I made the choice to ensure my family stays as healthy as possible by eliminating toxic and harmful products from our everyday lives. 

It's important to me that I share my knowledge and expertise with the rest of the world, which is why
I started this business. 




Where did the name come from?

The name "GraceAnna" comes from a combination of two names. I am a twin and my sister has been the most important person in my life since birth. Her name is Krystle Grace and my name is Kathryn Annabelle. Combining our middle names, We came up with GraceAnna

My sister also uses this name in her business: GraceAnna Beauty. My products are available for purchase at her salon as well. 


My husband and I have 3 beautiful kids together. I devote my time and energy into ensuring my family lives a clean and natural lifestyle. I'm passionate about growing and preserving real food at home, creating my own herbal medicine and all-natural home and body care products, and working toward a more sustainable and self-sufficient life.


From my family to yours, I hope you enjoy some products I have created for an all- natural, organic, and chemical-free lifestyle.  

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